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P3 Visit Tesco

Primary 3 went to visit Tesco as part of our Shops and Money topics.

After a tour of the store by Tara and Elaine we had a shopping challenge; the children had to find fruit and vegetables of certain colours to the value of £6. Then they were allowed to use the tills to scan the items. They loved it! Lots of little shopkeepers in the making! Then we were taken on a tour of ‘staff only’ areas! We went into the bakery and the fish counters and then we went to see the .com area and had a talk on how it is organised. Next we got into the giant stores, the fridges and most exciting…the freezers! -17degrees!! Brrrr….. Then it was off to the canteen to sample lots of food…different breads, cheese, sausages and every type of fruit imaginable. YUM!! As we left we were given a goody bag. We had a wonderful visit so THANK YOU Tesco ….we LOVED it!!!

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Buick Memorial Primary School
62 Main St, Cullybackey
Co. Antrim BT42 1BW

(028) 2588 0368

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