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Football News

The first week after half term we sent a total of four teams to football matches at Carniny Primary and Fourtowns’ Tournament.

Three teams went to Carniny and each team played with dedication and effort, we had a number of players making their debut for the school including several pupils from P4. In total 32 players were involved and all had an enjoyable afternoon.

Thanks to Mr Fisher from Carniny for organising and inviting us to play them at their school. We look forward to the rematch  in Term 2.

We sent a team to Fourtowns Primary School to play in the annual Fourtowns Tournament. Five schools attended (Fourtowns, Gracehill, Diamond, Groggan and Buick). All had a great afternoon, which included a P4 scoring 2 goals against strong opposition. The team played some competitive and exciting football. As a team that consisted mainly of Primary 5 and 6 the future looks bright.

We look forward to playing again for the Buick leg of this tournament with the finals being held at the end of the month at Fourtowns.

A shout out of appreciation to Mr Bevington and Mr Wilde for organising this tournament.  

In total 44 pupils received the opportunity represent the school and we are proud of them all. 

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Buick Memorial Primary School
62 Main St, Cullybackey
Co. Antrim BT42 1BW

(028) 2588 0368

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