In P7B we work hard and try to achieve the best we can. In the first term we study Fair Trade and even taste some of the products available. In the second term the children will be researching and discovering the story of the Titanic. 

In P7B we look at all areas of Mathematics and Literacy and the children will work on producing narratives in different genres like “Spy Thrillers” and a historical narrative on the “Life and times of a Suffragette”.

We love to use iPads and have been using them to learn about coding and programming as well as using them to make Lego movies with stop start animation.  The children enjoy working in groups and sharing ideas. They are encouraged to get involved in all aspects of school life in preparation for transition into Secondary School.

In term 2 we will look forward to STEM challenges (Places of Science Project) with Mid and East Antrim Council to look at the World Around Us and see how Science, Geography and History affects our local area.

We will also be partnering with Galgorm Hotel and Spa Resort to look at Tourism in the local area. Which will include visits to the hotel to taste food, inspecting rooms, teamwork and communication, skills that we might use in Northern Ireland’s growing tourism industry etc., as well as visiting local tourist spots to experience our geographical rich history. 


Proudly Supported By

Buick Memorial Primary School
62 Main St, Cullybackey
Co. Antrim BT42 1BW

(028) 2588 0368


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