Teachers value and need the co-operation and support of parents in all aspects of school life. They are available at a mutually convenient time to discuss any problems that may arise.
- We send home a weekly Thursday note to parents with additional notes attached and information is displayed on the external parents’ notice board beside the rear door.
- We also send the note to parents via email and post it and other up-to- date information on the school’s website.
- The Nursery Unit displays monthly and weekly planning on its information board and sends home a newsletter.
- We hold twice yearly interviews with the class teacher to discuss progress (October & February).
- For all pupils in Nursery and P1-P7 an annual written report is sent to parents in June.
- The Nursery Unit also completes a pre-school transition form for each pupil. This information is shared with parents before being passed on to P1 teachers.
- To enhance our provision, we carry out a range of assessments in school. At the end of Key Stage 1 (P4) and Key Stage 2 (P7) pupils are formally assessed, as required by current education legislation. These results are reported to parents in June and sent to the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations & Assessment.
- As children progress through primary school they have an individual tracker file and are able to add to their personal Record of Achievement which is presented to them at the end of Key Stage 2 and which they take with them to their new school.