Hello! Welcome to Primary 6QF.

Our teachers this year are Mrs McQuiston and Mr Fallows. We also have Mrs Glover as our classroom assistant.

Primary Six are working really hard this year. Every day we do our spellings, tables and mental maths. We are reading books by Roald Dahl and are very much enjoying his humorous stories. This week we have had a Book Week and have enjoyed lots of activities based on Roald Dahl. We ended the week with a dress up day with everyone coming as their favourite Roald Dahl character.

We love maths in P6 and do lots of daily mental maths challenges. Learning strategies help us problem solve. We have been working on different number topics and can order, add, subtract and estimate numbers right up to millions. We have also been working hard telling the time.

Our World Around Us Topic has been Victorians in Cullybackey. We very much enjoyed our visit in Cuningham Memorial Church where the Rev. Mulholland showed us around the church and told us about its Victorian history. We have also created a beautiful sunflower and learnt how each one of us is unique and special. On our gratitude tree we have been writing about all the great qualities we each have which make P6 such a very special and wonderful class.

Primary Six have been completing an art project based on The Great Barrier Reef with the help of Miss Orr. Our P6 corridor is now an underwater scene. We made our fish by roller printing, collage, paper folding and drawing. P6 would like to say a big thank you to Miss Orr for all her help.

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Buick Memorial Primary School
62 Main St, Cullybackey
Co. Antrim BT42 1BW

(028) 2588 0368


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