Welcome to P6/5M. Our teacher is Mrs McCleery.

Life in Primary 6/5M is always busy and exciting. In Literacy, we have been focussing on reading more and completing our reading challenge.

In Numeracy, we have been learning all about 2D shapes and trying to say our tables faster than Mrs. McCleery.

We have been learning about some of the horrible habits of the Ancient Egyptians, but we won’t put you off your dinner!

We have many more plans for learning opportunities throughout the year ahead. Our next venture is to a workshop with members of the Ulster Orchestra, so watch out for any new photographs that appear on the website during the second half of the term.

P6/5M we using Cuisenaire to investigate the commutative aspect of multiplication.

Rev Moffett and Eve Lowry have brought the ‘Amazing Jesus’ project to P6/5M this term. On Tuesday, Rev Moffett amazed us with all the different words used to describe fears. Do you suffer from any of these? Acrophobia? Aerophobia? Astraphobia?

Spring has arrived in the back playground. It’s so good to get out in the sunshine and fresh air.

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62 Main St, Cullybackey
Co. Antrim BT42 1BW

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