Welcome to P5M!

We have been working extremely hard this term. Our topic for Term 1 is Trees! We have been looking at types of trees and the important role they play within our environment. We will also look Rainforests and the animals that use trees as a habitat. The class will finish this topic off by looking at deforestation and the impact this has on the World.

In Numeracy we have been covering lots of different areas, we are continuing to work on our number bonds and tables for quick recall. We have been focusing on addition, subtraction and shape.

We’ve also covered lots of different pieces of grammar such as nouns, adjectives and verbs. We have also been working hard on learning our alphabet and using this to help us with alphabetical order.

The children will write Haikus and also look at the features of fables.

As part of our PE sessions we have been throwing, catching and running into space.

In term 1 we will be visited by Miss Livingstone, who will teach us Spanish, and Mr Brown, who will be holding a music lesson each Monday.

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Buick Memorial Primary School
62 Main St, Cullybackey
Co. Antrim BT42 1BW

(028) 2588 0368


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